August Newsletter

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August Newsletter


After a little over 10 years working overseas, Dr Ralph Joyce has returned to Kenmore Clinics. Dr Joyce is available Monday and Thursday.


What is an E-Script? An e-script or electronic prescription is an alternative to a paper prescription. If you choose an e-script, your general practitioner (GP) will send a ‘token’ to your mobile phone via SMS or to your email. Your token is then scanned by your pharmacy to dispense your prescription. When using e-scripts you can still visit any pharmacy you choose.

How will I receive my token?

Your GP can send you the token via SMS or email. During your consultation, let your GP know you would prefer an e-script and confirm how you would like the token sent. Make sure your email address and phone number are up to date with the clinic so your token goes to the right place. You will receive one token for each medicine you’re prescribed.

Can I have repeats with my E-script?

Yes. If your GP has prescribed any repeats for your prescription, you’ll receive a new token from the pharmacy when the medicine is dispensed. Use that new token to get your repeat.

Can I still get someone else to pick up my medicine for me?

Yes. Just like a paper prescription, you can give your token to a family member or other person to take to the pharmacy and pick up your medicines for you. You’ll need to forward the token to their mobile or email. You may also be able to forward your token direct to your pharmacy.

What happens if I lose my token?

If you lose your token, contact your general practice. Your GP will need to issue you a new token. If you lose your repeat token, contact your pharmacy to have your token reissued


(Great one for this cooler weather)

Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 2 hrs  | Total: 2 hrs 15 mins | Servings: 8

  • 1 leftover roast chicken frame – bones & all
  • 8 cups water, or as needed to cover
  • 4 large potatoes diced
  • 2 large carrots chopped
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 tin or corn kernels
  • 1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaf
  • salt and pepper to taste

Place chicken frame, including bones, in a large stockpot. Add enough water to cover chicken frame. Place over medium heat and gently simmer, covered, for 90 minutes. Discard all bones and chicken frame, but leave any chicken pieces in soup. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, peppercorns, and bay leaves. Add enough water to cover vegetables. Cover and simmer gently until vegetables are soft. Add corn towards the end of cooking. Season with salt and pepper. Serve in bowls with fresh crusty bread.


No matter how little or how much you use me, you change me every month. What Am I?

Sudoku is easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3×3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

You can book your appointment online.

You can book your appointment online via our website or the HotDoc app. Have a question? Give our clinic a call to chat with our friendly team.

Open 7 Days!